Recap on January
So this month my software tells me I’ve racked up just under 10hours of logged exercise. While this isn’t overly impressive, it’s not half bad all things considered (illness, coursework/revision). The site has come on in leaps and bounds. I managed to get the basic framework up in a day, and since then it seems like a new feature or section has been added each day. It isn’t by any means done, but I am very happy with it.
Looking forward, while I still need to keep my main focus on revision and exams for the first half of next month, I want to set a few goals. I want to get in at least 25hours of logged exercise, more of which should come from cycling. I intend to be going to club rides again when they start up again properly week commencing 14th Feb. As for the website, I want to just keep making it better, hopefully have an integrated login system for anyone wishing to post content at leisure, and I have a few reviews need doing. I also want to aim to have another proper riding video, edited from a whole series of clips.
I’m keeping it short and sweet for now. More to come soon.
Posted in Blog by Michael Strutt on 2011-01-31 21:58:23