Training, Week 5
Week 5 has been pretty great in all honesty. I lot of technical riding got done. Practicing skills and climbing. I got on a few club rides in, and I've been on the protein formula every day. I've managed to put on around 2.5Kg of muscle mass, not in size it seems but in density, which I'm pleased with. As far as distance goes I've done around 90miles of riding, though I am not logging my rides to uni and back.
I now have less than a week till the race, and to be honest this is the part of the training I am most unsure about. I'm going to keep up the high effort up until wednesday, but then leave myself with thursday and friday to recover in time for friday evening. The last thing I want is to have burned-out legs for the race.
I'm not really sure how to take the race, I'm going to try and ride at a pace that I can keep up for an hour, but not keep up comfortably more than an hour. I want to make the race without fading near the end, but feel dead once it's finished. Whatever happens, I know it'll be fun, I'll have a great time, and will have learned a lot from my first race. I'll keep you posted.
Posted in Blog by Michael Strutt on 2011-05-10 22:26:57