Training, Weeks 3 and 4.
Due to events I'll explain later, I missed week 3's post and since not a lot happened in week 4 I thought I'd combine the two.
So week 3 was pretty casual. I rode 6 out of the 7 days, and still put in around 110 miles, but the pace was slower and the rides tended to be social rides with friends mucking about practicing a few techniques. Legs felt pretty good throughout most of the week, and to be honest that's about all there is to say.
Week 4 however had an interesting start. On the Monday I split my head open. But before the helmet-brigade starts up, I was climbing a tree when it happened, not cycling.
Sadly I was meant to take it easy for a few days, and couldn't really wear a helmet for 5days after because of how they glued the wound shut, that left me with only one ride that week, and to be honest I felt like although my legs felt stronger, my fitness had dropped while I was resting up
So looking forward, I've finally got the whey protein back, so hopefully 2 weeks of use with regular exercise, should have some power back in my legs by the race. I am also back now in Loughborough so the riding will be better, and the weather is still good. Sadly I have coursework to fit in around training for the next 2 weeks as well, but not many lectures, so I'm staying positive that I'm not going to totally suck come race day.
Posted in Blog by Michael Strutt on 2011-05-02 11:40:27